My Projects

Welcome to my collection of fun projects! Here, I showcase a variety of creative and experimental endeavors that highlight my passion for software engineering.

Kanban Task Management System

Provides a user-friendly interface for organizing projects and tasks. Key features include a drag-and-drop Kanban board, task and subtask management, user authentication with email validation, and even two-factor authentication for enhanced security.

Full Stack E-Commerce Website

E-commerce project with features such as product browsing and searching, detailed product pages with customer reviews, a streamlined shopping cart and checkout process, and secure user authentication and login.

Planets Fact Site

Responsive web application showcasing information about different planets. It features a dynamic layout that adapts to various screen sizes, interactive elements with hover states, and detailed planet pages with togglable content sections.

Frontend Mentor Challenges

This repository contains the solutions to the challenges I attempted at the website.